One of our initiatives that focuses on empowering Palestinian youth to be an effective part of the workforce today and tomorrow, supporting the concept of lifelong learning among current youth, and responding to the changes that affect them today in their journey that begins in university classrooms and continues as they enter the labor market and throughout their careers.
Hani Qaddumi Fund Mission
Supporting innovative youth on their lifelong learning journey and preparing them for current and future jobs.
Hani Qaddumi Fund Focus Areas
The Hani Qaddumi Fund works to achieve its mission and focus on youth through three focus areas, each of which constitutes a separate track, but together, it will equip youth with academic qualifications, enhance their skills, prepare them for working life, enable them to enter the labor market and support their entrepreneurial ideas, helping foster a generation of innovative youth in Palestine working for the advancement of their society and country, while at the same time helping to build subsequent innovative generations of Palestinians.

Academic Scholarships

Audit and Continuous

The Hani Qaddumi Fund seeks, through the scholarship track, to build a community of alumni constituting an organized and interactive community, communicating effectively with others and volunteering its experiences after graduation.
This focus area focuses on providing scholarships for distinguished Palestinian youth that enable them to obtain higher university degrees, with a focus on quality education that contributes to the achievement of the Fund’s mission, reflecting the disciplines that lead to greater job opportunities or increased employment rates in Palestine.
The Hani Qaddumi Fund seeks, through the adult and continuous learning track, to enhance the skills of youth who are in the labor market and enable them to continue their lifelong learning journey to be equipped with a skillset that is agile and responsive to the labor market.
This focus area focuses on upskilling and reskilling for youth who are in the labor market to keep pace with the continuous change in the labor market and its workers, while at the same time enabling these youth to respond to the challenges facing all sectors today.
The Hani Qaddumi Fund seeks to emphasize the importance of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial thinking as a gateway for Palestinian youth to realize their potential and support the progress of their country’s economy.
This focus area focuses on enhancing the entrepreneurial mindset of Palestinian youth as an essential requirement in today’s labor market. Our world today requires innovative thinking in all areas as well as the ability to define challenges and find innovative solutions to them.
Our initiative is an extension of the track that started in 2000 supporting Palestinian students through scholarships, and constituted our foundation’s main operation for over the two decades during which we accumulated extensive experience, and resulted in a number of alumni who were – and still are – an integral element in the journey, but which today has expanded in scope to include other focus areas.