“My family has always believed that the best way for Palestine to advance and prosper is to support the youth through education. I remember that my father always used to say, “The road ahead for us Palestinians is long, the challenges are great, and education and learning are needed to move forward.” I still repeat these words to my daughters to this day”
The Story of a Family…
the Story of a Foundation
The Hani Qaddumi family believes that happiness comes from giving back, and dreams of presenting an innovative model of commitment to its homeland, a model that supports Palestinian youth to build a brighter future for themselves and generations to come, a model whose amplified impact touches every home in Palestine, a model that whose community members serve as agents of change.
Dr. Nabil Qaddumi – Chairman
with his late father Mr. Hani Qaddumi

Dr. Nabil Qaddumi – Chairman
with his late father Mr. Hani Qaddumi
Education and learning were at the core of the Qaddumi family’s belief and firm conviction of its importance and its role in supporting and advancing the individual and his country. From the father, Hani Qaddumi, who insisted on educating his children and equipping them with the highest degrees, to the mother, Dr. Ghada Hijjawi’s determination to complete her education, to their children who are deeply imbibed with these values that have always guided them, and are reflected in their vision of their duty towards their country. Love of Palestine and a sense of responsibility towards it, giving back through investing in the Palestinian individual and his future, and education and learning as the way forward, all of these are the compass that guides this family to support Palestinian youth in their journey towards lifelong learning.

Dr. Nabil Qaddumi – Chairman
Mr. Sa’ad Qaddumi – Board member
with their late mother Ghada Hijjawi

Dr. Nabil Qaddumi – Chairman
with his daughter Yasmine and Layla Qaddumi
Dr. Nabil Qaddumi – Chairman
Mr. Sa’ad Qaddumi – Board member
with their late mother Ghada Hijjawi
The Qaddumi family has always been known for these values, which have strengthened their passion and commitment towards their country and the Palestinian people. To embody these values, Dr. Nabil Qaddumi – the eldest son of Hani Qaddumi – established the Qaddumi Foundation to perpetuate his father’s name and vision in giving back to Palestine. Dr. Nabil Qaddumi is a successful and pioneering businessman and philanthropist. He believes that with determination and hard work nothing is impossible, no matter how great the challenges. He is also a visionary and strategic thinker and realizes that the seed is there, but it needs care and attention, and that creative youth are the engine that drives economic and social progress in society, but they need care and attention.
Thus, the family’s values and passion in supporting its beloved country came together with the insightful vision of the Qaddumi Foundation chairman to reflect the type of institution that the family established and consolidate the horizons of its vision towards empowered youth and a prosperous Palestine.